Learn about Reiki as a supportive energy for peaceful, gentle recovery from stress, trauma, illness, grief, pain, and more.

What is Reiki?

REI means universal and also refers to the spiritual dimension and the soul.

KI  means the vital or spiritual  life force energy which flows through all that is alive.

What does Reiki do?

The Reiki therapist does not “heal” when providing Reiki. You, the person receiving the Reiki use the nurturing energy of Reiki to do your own inner healing and recovery. As universal life force energy, Reiki enhances your vitality while also awakening your natural self-calming ability. Your response will be based on your needs. It is a custom therapy.

What Reiki does

Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) relaxes and refreshes, restoring greater vitality to recipients. Reiki sessions are profound, gentle, and non-invasive.

Reiki supports the natural healing process. People under the care of a physician or mental health provider may benefit from Reiki as a complementary therapy. However, it is not a substitute for medical treatment.

Reiki releases stress and promotes balance on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.  It accelerates the body's ability to heal physical ailments, relaxes the mind and works to reduce pain, stress, and suffering by increasing and balancing vital energy.  

Reiki is especially helpful for chronic pain, fatigue, trauma and injury recovery, and anxiety and depression. The Pain Management Clinic of the Chicago Rehabilitation Clinic recommended it for people living with Fibromyalgia.

How did Kaia Fowler become a Reiki Therapist?

Kaia Fowler practices the Reiki system of healing that evolved from Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese seeker of spiritual truths. Dr. Usui brought the Reiki method of healing into human awareness in 1922 after a deep spiritual experience. This lineage of Reiki is called the Usui System of Natural Healing or Usui Shiki Rhoyo. Kaia was attuned and mentored by Reiki Master Teacher Tricia Alexander from 2015 through 2023. Kaia completed her journey to become a Master Teacher in 2023 and continues to consult with her master teacher.

Is Reiki real?

Reiki has become increasingly mainstream and hospitals, cancer treatment centers, and other healthcare organizations recognize the real positive effect Reiki energy therapy has on patients. Places like the Cleveland Clinic recognize the power of Reiki therapy when practiced authentically by attuned therapists. For example, study findings have shown benefit for cancer patients in decreasing anxiety and pain and improving quality of life. You don’t have to be ill to benefit from Reiki, though! We can all use enhanced relaxation and life energy due to our modern stressful lives.

What happens in a Reiki therapy session?

Reiki involves a gentle, non-invasive method  of energy sharing on a series of positions or points. The positions correspond to the chakra system and the major organ systems of the body.

For in-person sessions, the Reiki therapist uses light touch or hands held slightly over the client’s fully clothed body. For distance sessions, the client requests treatment and the Reiki therapist shares it from her location, sending the Reiki energy into consciousness with intention. The client may receive it in real time or when next resting.

Reiki can be used any time or place.   It combines nicely with other holistic practices and compliments standard medical practices.   It is not a belief system and does not conflict with religious beliefs.  Reiki expands within giver and receiver  -  the qualities of love, caring, compassion, integrity and peace. It can even be offered as part of art and music experiences. Many Reiki practitioners, including Kaia Fowler, infuse their creative works with Reiki.

What Reiki Means to Me - a Note from Kaia

Becoming Reiki Master means that I have the ability to be intentional with practicing wellness arts in my work as an artist. In 2015, when I understood that my calling as a singer-songwriter was to support others in their journey toward wellness and self-love, I sought out mentoring and Reiki attunement from Reiki Master Tricia Alexander, fifth generation attuned from Dr. Usui. (Learn more about Tricia at her website!) 

I practice as a Reiki Master Teacher with levels I, II, and III certification and the Master Teacher training completed. For level III certification in 2021, I completed 100 sessions — 50 in-person and 50 distance — as well as demonstrated Reiki methods and principles in action. Since then, I have completed many more Reiki sessions and I live Reiki in my daily life. For me, Reiki is a way of being in the world and with others. It sustains me and brings a smile to my face!

I am also a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals organization in recognition of the professional practice of Reiki in relationship to other bodywork modalities.