I want to thank all the friends working to put together a benefit fund for Scott. He has been quite sick the past week but is on the mend. We hope he will come home from the hospital soon. My friend Beth has done so much to help bring everyone together and make this benefit concert and bank fund a reality. My friend Kendra designed the amazing poster using a background image that Scott took and another friend, Dee, arranged for the printing. Walt and probably others that I am not even aware of have been helping to distribute them. And, of course, a thank you to Perry Baird and Peter Mulvey for volunteering to perform and to my vocal student, Jessica Kennedy for sharing her talent as well. It's going to be a great concert.
Beth asked me to mention the Scott Jaeger Benefit account that is set up at Fort Community Credit Union. To donate, mail a check made out to "Scott Jaeger Benefit" or deliver a deposit for the account to any of the FCC branch locations.
Friday evening, June 21 at the Cafe' Carpe.